David Musgrave

LemonMelon 2015 | £12.50 | Softback | 184pp | 14.2 x 19.4cm |
ISBN 978 1 908260 15 4 | 200 copies

Unit is a first person account of the life of an artificial being; a speculative perspective on the animate and inanimate world; a rational mistake; a concatenation of text, diagrams, calligrams, algebra and other signifying material; a childish fantasy; a family story in the absence of the family; a toy evolved into a philosopher.

A kind of Frankenstein for the cyborg age – but narrated by the monster rather than the inventor. Or maybe The Invention of Morel narrated from the PoV of the recording machine rather than the fugitive.
Tom McCarthy


Copies of Unit by David Musgrave can be purchased from selected bookshops or online here (including £3 postage and packaging UK only). If you are ordering from outside the UK please contact us so we can find out the exact postage for your country.
